My symptoms come and go, with no rhyme or reason. Basically, I feel as if I have the flu with body aches (bordering on pain) and occasional chills. Last night, around 11:40 p.m., my body woke me up (grrrrr...) with incredible chills and aches. It felt like I had ice water going through my veins instead of blood. I could not stop shivering! I went to my bathroom and took my temperature (per my latest doctor's instructions) and found that I was at 98.2°. For all that shivering I figured that I would at least have a lousy fever!
Fine. I put on pajamas over my night shirt, take two codeine, get another blanket and go back to bed... where I tossed and turned and shivered for another hour before falling back asleep. Almost three hours later I woke up again, took off the additional pajamas, tossed off the blanket and went back to sleep (now feeling a little better). Did I mention that this is getting old?
I see my latest doctor (a rheumatologist) again in mid-July. If he does not have any answers by then I want to see another specialist. Hematologist, gastroenterologist, immunologist, neurologist, shaman, veterinarian, I don't care!
Does anyone have any ideas? Home remedies? Harder drugs? Help!

2:15 PM
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LMFAO - veterinarian
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