Thursday, August 30, 2007


I learned today that my great aunt Elizabeth had a stroke and is now at Fairview Ridges Hospital. I do not know her prognosis, but since she's 93 years old, I am not completely optimistic.

I remember spending the night at her house in Virginia, MN, where she lived with her father, my great grandfather Olaf. Olaf was born in Sweden, and by the time I was old enough to have memories of him, his hearing was almost gone. He would shout at me in Swedish, and I would reply in English, and somehow, we understood each other (or at least that's what my memory is telling me now).

Elizabeth still worked back then, so she hired a woman from Greece to watch over my great grandpa. The Greek woman's name escapes me, but I remember she made these great potato dish (okay, the name of the dish also escapes me), and she was thrilled that I liked it.

I haven't seen my great aunt in a while, and the last time I did, it was clear that she was getting older. I am comforted knowing that if Elizabeth does pass, she will join her sister, my beloved Grandma Fran. My memories of G'ma Fran (as she abbreviated it) would fill many Web pages. For now, I will just sum it up: She was one cool grandma!

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