While this may come to a surprise to those who know me (and how lazy I can be), I really want to re-join the job force SOON! I am not enjoying this time off as much as I think I should... probably because I cannot relax when it's the only thing to do!
Yes, I have had interviews, sent resumes left and right, and we are surviving financially, but I am ready to go back to the office now, thank you very much. Perhaps I have been too long in Corporate Land and it has impacted my brain (is it too late for de-programming?).
It just occurred to me -- this could be all about Mexico! You see, I have not been to the warm, sandy beaches of the Yucatan Peninsula since 2005, and it does not feel right to plan on returing anytime soon when I am still unemployed. Yes, that's it! I need to feel the tropical breeze, feel the waves of the Carribean, and watch where I am going lest I step on an iguana. I want to again speak those magic words, "¡Una cervesa, por favor!"
Well, at least Mexico isn't going anywhere... and I can't stay unemployed too much longer. Maybe I should run to Target and grab some sunscreen... just to make sure I am prepared!

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