Beaujolais (a.k.a. Beau, Bosie, Bobolina, Bozalinch, etc.) is our girl. Isn't she beautiful?
She's our "cool kitty" because she prefers being in the basement where it's nice and cool. That's where the Kitty Condo is (see Beau peeking out from inside?).
Amontillado (a.k.a. Monti, Mont, Monster, Fuzzy Puck, etc.) is our "sun kitty" because he prefers warmth and can be found laying in the sun soaking up the rays. He got the nickname Fuzzy Puck by sleeping all rolled up like a big hockey puck with fur.
The cats tolerate each other somewhat... Monti is more of a bully and needs our attention more (I think he's just more insecure). Yet Beau is the one who can handle Pepper -- Monti rarely goes anywhere near the dog.
Pretty kitties!
You would not believe the amount of cat hair I had to clear off my laptop just to write this comment. . . . Well, perhaps you would.
i am about to get a chessie and i have a cat i've had for 10 years and hold dearly in my heart and really want a chessie but am terrified what she might do to my cat. i'm writing you so that hopefully you can tell me you cats and dog get along great! :)
Pepper is fine with the cats (but the cats may beg to differ - they don't like his big wet nose!). He does chase them (rarely), but it's obvious that -- at least for him -- it's all in play (not aggressive).
I would think that if you get a Chessie pup, the cat should be fine. An adult should be fine as well, but each dog is different...
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