Thursday, June 28, 2007

This is getting really old...

Many of you know that I have been seeing doctors for a "mystery illness" that I have had since January. Well, it's almost July and while we know that I don't have a bunch of things (including lymphoma, leukemia, Lyme's disease, fibromyalgia, etc.), we do not yet know what exactly I do have.

My symptoms come and go, with no rhyme or reason. Basically, I feel as if I have the flu with body aches (bordering on pain) and occasional chills. Last night, around 11:40 p.m., my body woke me up (grrrrr...) with incredible chills and aches. It felt like I had ice water going through my veins instead of blood. I could not stop shivering! I went to my bathroom and took my temperature (per my latest doctor's instructions) and found that I was at 98.2°. For all that shivering I figured that I would at least have a lousy fever!

Fine. I put on pajamas over my night shirt, take two codeine, get another blanket and go back to bed... where I tossed and turned and shivered for another hour before falling back asleep. Almost three hours later I woke up again, took off the additional pajamas, tossed off the blanket and went back to sleep (now feeling a little better). Did I mention that this is getting old?

I see my latest doctor (a rheumatologist) again in mid-July. If he does not have any answers by then I want to see another specialist. Hematologist, gastroenterologist, immunologist, neurologist, shaman, veterinarian, I don't care!

Does anyone have any ideas? Home remedies? Harder drugs? Help!


2:15 PM

Thursday, June 21, 2007

In memoriam

RIP - My home air conditioner (1986-2007)

After a long, warm illness (i.e., running all the time and the interior temperature would still be 83°), we had our AC checked this morning. The news was not good.

Well, we have only purchased two houses and both needed new units. Next time we buy a house, you know the first thing I will check is the AC! (Fortunately, we are not going to be house-shopping for many years.)


Wednesday, June 20, 2007

A new post! (summer plans)

Could it be??

Am I actually posting to my glob?

It's true! I even have a topic... what I am going to do over the summer.

Our first little vacation will be to southern Minnesota, camping with some friends. We'll be at the Old Barn Resort, but we will slumber in our tent (complete with our dog, Pepper).

Our next little vacation will be up to McGregor, Minnesota -- again for some camping. This time it's at a US Forest Service campground on Big Sandy Lake (again, we will be joined by The Pep). After a few nights in the tent, we will go to lovely Proctor, MN for a family wedding reception. The good news is that my family knows how to have a good time!

I am hoping that the next little vacation will involve walls and a real bed... perhaps in Mexico!