Tuesday, February 02, 2010

Recurring dreams

I have three themes that keep recurring in my dreams. I do not have the same dream over and over, but somehow I manage to have variations on dreams about my parents’ new house, getting lost on a college campus, and missing classes in high school.

My parents have moved twice since they lived in the house in which I grew up. Both of them are creative people who have definitely made their marks on the houses they owned, through redecorating, massive gardens and reconstruction. The dreams I have of their new houses always feature a different house, but the over-arching premise of the dream is that whatever new house they have, it’s over-the-top magnificent. Opulent chandeliers, breathtaking beachfronts, amazing closets, top-of-the-line appliances, interior waterfalls — it’s all there. I am not sure what this means, but perhaps I am in awe of their creativity and how they have transformed their previous houses into homes that truly were theirs.

The other two dream themes center on education. The college dream, in which I seem to be lost on campus, sometimes finds me in my dorm for part of the dream and other times I am wandering between buildings. One constant is that even though I cannot find my way, I already have multiple post-graduate degrees from this institution. Perhaps I understand that just because I have a college degree, I know I will never stop learning — but somehow will always need a map to get myself where I want to be!

The other dream theme finds me walking the halls of a mystery high school deciding if I am going to attend class or not. While I know that I have already graduated, I still feel a pang of guilt at the thought of skipping a class. What does this mean? Looking back, I did not exactly apply myself during my senior year of high school (I had “senioritis” that set in after I had been accepted to my desired universities). I later redeemed myself in college, earning 4.0 quarters and making the Dean’s List. Do I doubt the validity of my high school diploma? And if so, why does this matter now that I am old enough to have college-aged children of my own (not to mention a Bachelor’s degree)? Perhaps I feel that I could have graduated with honors if I had tried harder. I don’t know.

It’s interesting that I have never had the same actual dream twice. I enjoy dreaming of the palatial estates of my dream parents and do not mind trying to find my way on a university campus, but the high school dreams annoy me. This year is my 25th high school reunion — I would like to put any issues I have with my high school education to bed (pun certainly intended!).

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