Sunday, February 24, 2008

We are here!

Greetings from beautiful and warm Akumal!

We flew in yesterday and our journey was uneventful. We did watch the last episode of season one of Dexter, so I was happy to see how things wrapped up. It also made the almost four-hour flight more bearable.

Note: I am at CyberAkumal, an Internet place in town. This computer is in Spanish, so when I just did a quick spell check, pretty much everything is misspelled. Please excuse any misspellings or typos going forward!

Anyway... after getting settled in our hotel after a one-hour drive south of Cancun, we ate lunch and then explored town. Akumal is a very small town, so it did not take long to check out. We ate lunch at La Buena Vida (the good life). How true! Dinner was at La Pescadora, a fish and seafood place. The Husband had grouper (which was excellent) and I had octopus, Veracruz style. I loved it! After a few more drinks back at La Buena Vida, we crashed.

Now for the fun part -- snorkeling! After a quick breakfast in our hotel room, we headed out to Half Moon Bay (right outside our hotel room). The coral reef pretty much goes right up to the shore... all we had to do was put on our gear and walk into the sea. What a cool experience! I saw brain coral the size of those big exercise balls (about 2.5 feet in diameter). There were fish in bright colors - blue, silver, purple, yellow. I found a school of yellow fish hiding by a mound of coral. I sat in on the class for as long as the waves would allow. It was tricky swimming against the waves, but I took some comfort in seeing that even the fish sometimes were at the mercy of the ocean.

The Husband used his new underwater camera and took some neat shots (to be added to this blog when we return home). I will give underwater photography a try when we go back out later.

I will add more posts, but now it's time for lunch. Adios!

1 comment:

Jugglernaut said...

Glad you made it! Thanks for taking a moment to share a bit of your vacation with your faithful readers.

Because I spend too much time perusing Cute Overload, when I read your line about snorkeling, at first I thought you wrote snorgling, and I was about to throw the TMI flag. D'OH!

Have a great time! Can't wait to see pix.