Thursday, May 15, 2008

Sad news

My darling Beaujolais has had kidney disease for a couple of months now. We thought we could treat her chronic condition with special food and subcutaneous fluids every other day... but it seems that her condition has worsened.

I will be taking her to the vet today to see what can be done. Her quality of life - and her weight - have diminished quite a bit in the past month. She no longer purrs and does not seem to even want to eat or drink. The Husband and I have been preparing ourselves for the worst, and now the worst seems to be here.

For a while I was not ready to part with my Beautiful Beau, but now I feel it would be selfish to keep her going. I am going to miss our Pretty Beau.


Kim said...

Awwwwwwww :(

Jugglernaut said...

I'm so, so sorry! This sucks A LOT. But putting your kitty's comfort first is the right thing to do.