Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Is it pain or is it withdrawal?

I suppose it's a bit of both. I got brave and went to work without my Vicodin. I took my second dose of Humira on Monday, and I am trying to be hopeful that this will take away the pain (this and the methotrexate I take on Thursdays). So, today I just felt a little weird along with the joint soreness. I took the dog for a walk after work and now I feel a little weirder... but resolute in my decision not to take any Vicodin today. I am going to try this again tomorrow - I need to remember to bring more ibuprofen to work!! Three of my knuckles on my right hand hurt. The Husband told me to stop punching people at work so my hand won't hurt as much (he's so funny, ain't he?). I do need to stop typing this post before I punch my computer. It's so old and slow, it makes me feel like an Olympic athlete by comparison!

1 comment:

Jugglernaut said...

If you need to cut down on your punching, remember that striking with the heel of your hand carries nearly the same impact and is much easier on the knuckles. ;-)