Monday, July 22, 2013

Is THIS was I was meant for?

Okay, it’s time to figure out what I am supposed to do with myself. I’d like to have this decided for the rest of my life, but perhaps that is not realistic. So, let’s concentrate on what I can do with myself for the near future.

I am about to have a birthday, and if you had told me when I was young what I would be doing with myself at this stage of my life, I would have been disappointed. A corporate job? A meaningless corporate drone position? Seriously? Okay, I kinda knew that I would not really ever become a rock star (much more musical talent would be required), but to just sit and write procedures that no one will ever read for a living? (It’s true – I am writing high-level procedures for a new software application, and I have recently learned that those procedures will serve no real purpose. The employees will use the training materials someone else is writing. Why didn’t we just start with the training materials?) Bah. Corporate Land.

So, why am I here? Money. Believe me, if I weren’t getting paid, I sure wouldn’t be here. I certainly am not getting intellectual stimulation, amusment, or any other benefit sitting here tapping away on the company-issued laptop. The free coffee isn’t enough to get me to drive from Northern Dakota county to darn near Wayzata each morning.

I know myself: I am too lazy to be left on my own. I need an employer to get myself going each day. Otherwise, I am not entirely sure I’d get up at all. My greatest talent is sleeping. If I could get paid for that, I’d do okay. Not great, but okay. Sure, I’d get up for the dog – he needs exercise and he’s worth getting up for. But even he spends most of his day sleeping (lucky dog!).

I need to get moving. I need to find a better fit for my skills. Corporate blah is not doing it for me, and I knew it wouldn’t. I’d take a decent pay cut for a more meaningful position. But I do need an employer. Otherwise, I’d still be in bed!

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